Sunday, July 20, 2014


From: David YangDate: July 20, 2014Acknowledged..May God comfort his family.Blessings,David & Ki-BiFrom: YenYi Peng of Springfield, ILDate: July 20, 2014 To: TAAGCC 高尚的心靈,無私的行為。Subject: Fwd: 江宜樺...中國時報 2006/08/29From: chien889 李建漢Date: March 28, 2014這傢伙真是個言行不一,昨是今非的偽君子。馬桶用的都是這種爛人在統治台灣人,台灣還有前途嗎?他們和共產黨所簽的「胡冒協定」就是出賣台灣的賣身契,國會不通過,他們要如何向主子交差?台灣人還在等著被統嗎?該是「起來,不願意做奴隸的人們!」的時候啦。(聽起來很耳熟吧?這是以前台灣的禁歌,唱了是會人頭落地的中共國歌-義勇軍進曲)。他不是說「無論如何,筆者很難想像「靜坐」的群眾如何能「衝進總統府」?手無寸鐵的抗議者如何能完成「流血的革命」?嗎?江教授在教我們應該怎麼做耶!作者:台灣大學政治系教授 江宜樺...中國時報 2006/08/29憲政民主的核心意義是「統治者不得濫權」,而不是「濫權者可以得到任期保障」。憲政主義要求我們檢視集會遊行法有無違憲,而非要求我們順服於具有違憲嫌疑的惡法。如果只因為台灣已經將選票普及於每一個人,而國會議員已經全面且定期地改選,就要求人民不該再有上街頭抗議的念頭,那顯然是低估了維繫民主社會所需要的動能。如果只因為憂慮群眾運動必然具有的非理性性格,以及群眾運動所可能造成的社會不安,就想徹底否定群眾運動在民主體制中的地位,恐怕會掉入霍布斯式專制主義的思惟。無論如何,筆者很難想像「靜坐」的群眾如何能「衝進總統府」?手無寸鐵的抗議者如何能完成「流血的革命」?而靜坐前還拼命在訓練義工維持秩序的人民運動,為何要去為軍警的武力鎮壓及不特定支持者與反對者的衝突負責?Subject: Re: 林義雄公開信 / TA-iShare 07From: ming-chung chenDate: March 28, 2014At the time of American revolution, Thomas Jefferson was 33 years old, Thomas Paine, 39. George Washington, 44. John Adams (2nd American President), was 41. John Hancock (presided American Constitution convention), was 39.New Jersey Congressman has praised Mr. Lin, Feifang. as young patriots of Taiwan not unlike those of American revolution. It is when these young patriots rise and take actions when history is made. It is when these young patriots take charge, when Taiwan will have real hope, real future.Today's Taiwanese youth, has many advantages and abilities that their previous generations lack, not to mention computer skill, those enormous information available to them in a split second. Those special educations that was not available to their older generation. And world views which were limited even to the current DPP leadership. Call on DPP leaders, stand ready and aside, make resources and responsibility available to these young patriots. Think not what Taiwan can do for you. THINK! WHAT YOU CAN DO FOR TAIWAN. Chicago, Ming-Chung Chen M.D.   Subject: 林勝光醫師來涵From: foxlakeb Date: March 26, 2014To: TAAGCC致 芝加哥台灣同鄉會的一封公閞信:台灣的民主制度已勝過歐美。談台灣獨立應該自己更生。不要動不動就向主子 美國求助。怎能談獨立呢?台灣總統與司政院已同意與學生對話。世界上有幾個國家政府能如此回應?我們同情學生。愛護他們,但也要有一定的限度。當你佔領政府辦公室。那一個國家那麼寬容。談獨立。民主。愛台灣。不是只是主張台獨人士的權利與義務而是所有愛台灣的人的責任。同鄕會應該開放 愛台灣的平台 引進不同的聲音及方向。否則同鄉會就如之前獨栽的國民黨。有何異之?請您將此信件発佈給同鄉則是同鄉會邁向新里程碑的第一歩。敬請 指敎前芝加哥同郷會 會長林勝光 Steve Lin Subject: Cowardly Ma's KMT administration riot policeFrom: ming-chung chenDate: March 27, 2014 Ma's KMT administration riot police has never known to take on Taiwanese rampant local thugs and organized criminals. Rather, when they are faced with peaceful democratic student protesters, they are armed with full anti-riot gear and force, full vigor and even laughter. Such cowardice is not only in violation of all democratic values of free speech and freedom to protest, freedom to organize is even in violation of KMT written "Constitution". Yet, KMT Courts, Legislators, politicians stand watching in silence, even grin about their acts. Taiwanese youth have to remember on the next election, such lacking of human fundamental decency, have to be eliminated.Down with all KMT politicians.Subject: Please send your reporters to Taiwan UrgentlyFrom: zongtek 侯榮達Date: March 23, 2014 at 3:25:47 PM CDTTo: Alex,Thank you for your recent program of Taiwan 228 massacre on BBC World service.  Currently there have been an uprising of students and people against the current KMT government since 3/18/2014.  It could spread to the entire  country like 228.  Hope you have the opportunity to go to Taiwan to witness and report the event to the world.Best wishes,Zong Hou Subject: 堂堂正正的台灣立委From: ming-chung chen 陳明正醫師Date: March 23, 2014 at 9:27:36 AM CDT

Subject: 他們已入了行政院廣場From: Em A-Ma 廖明慧Date: March 23, 2014 at 7:48:46 AM CDT台灣加油!!!!!!!學生加油!!!!!!馬不認罪,反而大罵學生, 加罪於學生, 學生起了大火 要攻入行政院.我在台南, 從Friday, 也參加聚集, 週六從早到晚上.護民主,救台灣EmilyPetitions for TaiwanFrom: Hui-Hsin ChenDate: March 21, 2014 at 3:41:05 PM CDTI'm so proud!!  My daughter was there too...Hui Hsin Chen支持白宮連署台灣反服貿From: yolanda kehDate: March 21, 2014 at 6:56:51 PM CDT各位鄉親請到下列網站sign in支持白宮連署台灣反服貿.台灣媒体不僅封鎖學生在立院的反服運動而且還抹黑學生喝洒,破壞立院名畫.疏不知這兩天天氣轉冷,大家在立院都沒足夠的保暖衣服,他們大部份是由南部上來的. 心痛.並請支持閃靈他們也在現場發毛巾給大家當圍巾.Subject: Re: 台灣人國是會議 From: 廖明慧 from TainanDate: March 5, 2014 I will go to the meetings on 3/15.   Day time is 台大杜鵑節的校友回校節目.  Evening 是國事會議. Looking forward to this trip to Taipei.Subject: Palatine Parade with Congressman Peter RoskamDate: March 12, 2014 I'll join you at Palatine on Sat. March 15 at 10:30 AM ORDER #26.Catherine LaiRe: 歡迎林書豪到芝加哥來On Mar 13, 2014讚讚讚Ben Huang今晚 6 PM, 我與我兒子 Frank 將去參觀比賽, 如有需要,到時將提供相片及報導。林敬賢 敬上Subject: 2014 MTSC - TAA 中西部夏令會From: Whelan DetrickDate: February 14, 2014 Hi, I received the following info regarding 2014 MTSC - TAA 中西部夏令會.Ironically, I have not received important info like this from TAAGAA.This is why I am very serious about having a membership in TAAGCC, so I won't miss any TAA info locally, nationally and world wide.Please always forward info to members.  We should all take TAA activities and responsibilities cheerfully.Cheers,Whelan惠蘭######20140208 休市台灣同鄉會年會2014/莊峻華今年年會,參加人多,許多年輕移民,就是四、五十歲者,也有更年輕者,當然老年人,仍舊是主力,但可發現有接班之現象,同鄉會不致斷層,我真難相信,如今台灣沒有移民到休市者,休市為全球能源中心,美國石油生產原動力,鄰近人口六百萬,工作機會無數,有很多有學識經驗之工程師,任何人都想有機會,結教這些人為友,過去害怕為政治迫害波及,匆匆忙忙過一輩子慎獨生活,連妻女都怨嘆。我有問題請教,我之大姊夫謝教授,何以休大化工博士班,都找物理化學理科畢業生?他說和材料科學,息息相關,一般系裡研究,要有獨見創獲者,要取得補助款,必需走上此路,幾個月前,我遇見兩位中國留學生,都是大學讀物理化學,現在都是化工博士班,他說傳統之工程教學,無法應用到急需,系裡也無課可選,只好到理科求才,我又問工程設計呢?他說還是要科班出身,有時候聽來矛盾,確又是事實。搬家後,同鄉會來不及更改住址,有一年無法收到鄉訊,只好在網路上查閱,上個月頭版有謝志偉教授半篇文章,我覺得是一篇歷史之見證,描寫馬英九如何刑事,民事兩造,控告謝,有開庭兩次後,撤回控訴,謝有很清楚之說明,馬將遺臭萬年,投票給國民黨者,都要跟著遺臭萬年,台灣地窄人眾,國事不易,又選出一庸才來誤國,真是嚴重,不知台灣讀者?台灣法官?台灣支持國民黨者,如何自圓其說呢?人家李登輝十幾年當總統,陳水扁八年,牢內無一正治犯,輪到中國人當台灣總統,又患中國人之老毛病,陳水扁之民權被迫害,前民進黨官員被冤獄,馬英九郝龍斌等國民黨人,均逍遙法外。我到圖書室閱太平洋時報,看看有幾篇文章被採用,現在美國寫作者輩出,想在太平洋見報,越來越困難,但我仍不氣餒,繼續努力作文。我在圖書室,看到三本書,台灣之溪流,廟宇,和書法,又在會客室遇見麗敏,於是我介紹她石川之波止場時雨,和都春美之浪花戀時雨,我說已經被迷上幾個月,當然我不曾提到阿根廷莫為我哭泣。有同鄉將外國媳婦和女婿等,帶來年會,明年理事,有幾位是年輕之大學教授,令人耳目一新,37年前,同鄉會會長和事,有幾位都是大學教授,難得有今年之盛況。20140207 一位鄕親對新理事會的寄望咱大家來作伙祝福新的理事會和諧圓滿順利推動會務,對內來關懷鄕親,對外大家團結為台灣發聲打拼! 真歡喜這遍有多位熱心鄕親來加入理事會,咱同鄉會須要的人才人力都有,希望大家理事打開心內的門窗,互相讚嘆彼此的優點佮包容彼此的弱點,建立上好的理事會chemistry,每一個理事得以發揮他/她的優點長處到最大極限,這樣就是同鄕會佮芝城台美人的福氣囉!咱攏知道,同鄉會嘸和諧團結,咱芝城其它的台美人團體都會受到影響,大家想要來關心服務鄉親佮來為台灣打拼攏感覺到那個事倍功半的無力感及無奈!這幾年來大家攏有感受到這個問題的嚴重性佮改進的須要性,大家對新理事會確實有真大的期待!明天拜六下午咱新理事會就要來開第一次的理事會議,這次開會要選新的會長、副會長、祕書、財務及其它工作小組的負責理事,當然重要的還是討論策劃今年的活動,尤其今年年底台灣有七合一選舉,更須要咱海外台美人的團結佮打拼!能夠出來做理事來服務大家,是慈悲佮愛心,接著要怎樣來同心協力為同鄉服務,靠的就是所有理事的智慧囉!希望大家理事能夠 "縮小自己,為大我大目標著想","做代誌我有份,排名成事不必在我","對内以台美人社區和諧為第一優先,對外打拼才會真有力",加上"提拔少年仔,愛護少年仔",能夠這樣,那真的就是芝城台美人的福氣了!最後期待新的理事會能夠向前看、往前走、為咱大家共同的大目標來作伙打拼!大家每一個人能夠退一小步,就是大家作伙向前一大步!感恩!God bless Taiwan! God bless 芝加哥台灣同鄉會!cch######Subject: 春節晚會From: Wen-Feng LiuDate: February 4, 2014參加台灣團體的活動,我們都會盡力。你們辛苦了。文豐#####一位鄕親參加春節晚會後心裡的話感恩!昨天下午雪停了!絕大部分鄉親順利抵達春節晚會會場 Avalon!晚會順利進行,圓滿成功!哇!席開二十五桌!二百四十位鄉親參加,好多小孩也來了!很高興二位中央研究院院士,咱芝加哥大學e廖述宗教授佮李文雄教授攏來了!感謝Ellen 佈置了很漂亮生動的大型草月流插花!舞龍、用餐、會務報告、理事選舉、社團報告、台福教會新牧師介紹,加上精彩娛興節目及摸彩,鄕親們帶著紅包、禮物及歡喜心回家去!感謝芝城鄕親們這些年來的支持與愛護,讓同鄕會得以更加和諧、包容與成長!也很歡喜新的理事會有更多的成員、人才與活力!Go!芝城台美人!Go!芝加哥台灣同鄕會!#####Subject: 文化上的台灣人~一個研究生給柯P的公開信 Tien Cheng 鄭天助醫師Date: January 28, 2014Dr. Kuo has to be careful what he says. He has to grasp what deep green, the soul of Taiwanese, wants, independent Taiwan; he needs the support of Pangreen, who longs for justice, fairness, and equality, does away KMT  brain washing, rule and hands over Taiwan to China; he has to appeal to Panblue independent Taiwan is much better than ruled by authoritarian China. This is not complicated. Dr. Kuo has to focus, gets advices from many Taiwanese intellects. There is no better opportunity in this very moment when Wang Chin Ping, the head of Legislative Yuan, is being persecuted by Ma. Dr. Kuo and the DPT can get together to persuade Wang and other Taiwanese KMT legislative representatives to join forces to overthrow Ma and deep blue KMT regime. I don't believe Panblue wants China over Taiwan independence. The basic guiding principle or mantra for them is not to be ruled by Taiwanese majority. The old feudalism, and racial superiority is not a fodder in their souls. God bless Taiwan,tccSubject: 向殘酷的仁慈說再見From: "Chien lee"Date: January 27, 2014  奉附好友Dr.陳一仁寄給我的一則「向殘酷的仁慈說再見」 ppt資訊.內容陳述台灣的醫療資源浪費与生命意義及價值觀的錯亂,讀後令人不禁噓吁. Dr.陳在Seattle創立亞裔銀髮族基金會(Asian Senior Concern Foundation),十餘年來辦得非常成功,為當地的台裔和華裔老人們提供非常優質的服務.我也參與義工服務多年,我們至今尚保持密切連絡.有興趣瞭解其運作情形可上網 www.ascf-seattle.org參閱.     新年如意並全家福 李建漢   敬上  1/27/2014我已在我的基金會講這個題目13年了, 有不少人已改變了思考方向, 這是值得鼓勵的事。 我會努力再繼續提供這類言講。 有時我覺得在為病人或家屬當狠心的推力, 但是當我看著病人無助的在受苦時, 我得堅持來為病人解開那桎梏並助其解脫。 這些都是在美國法律範圍之內之事。 重要的是每個人都要認真的去思考"的生命意義及價值觀, 要去界定個人的最深層的靈魂的感受及評估自己此生的品質和滿意度。 真誠的並勇敢的去面對生命終結的現實面, 然後為自己及家人來作這個極其困難的決定。 沒有意義的延長痛苦的生命及靈魂對旁人來說是"不忍" 對當事者來說則是"侮辱及殘忍"。因為真正在受苦的是那位「病人」, 不是家屬, 不是朋友。 因此, 我們一直鼓勵每人都應當設立「事前醫療囑託---Advanced Directive vs. Living will」,在美國很多州也要決定好(POLST---Physician Orders for Life Sustain Treatments). 這是一個文明社會該有的共識。 21世紀以是一個文明世紀, 大家已不可以繼續駝鳥心態,繼續迴避這個(善待自己及家人的極重要議題。陳一仁兄醫師西雅圖向殘酷的仁慈說再見######From: lii mei tsaiDate: December 30, 2013 Hello Sam,Glad to hear from you and to know that you are expanding your territory! You are very thoughtful to give us the location and the way to visit. I appreciate it.Wish you a productive and joyful life in the New Year!My warmest regards,Beverly#########Subject: 陽明山老人公寓From: 蘇哲仁Date: December 24, 2013 芝加哥鄕親大家好 我參加世大會的cruise, 10/4到Honolulu 順道回台北 ,回台後找住的地方。 終於在十二月初定居在陽明老人公寓, 附近有陽明山公園及文化大學, 環境優美, 交通方便 。這裡的網址是  附上我照的數張相片 。老人公寓的南邊接着台北市花夲試驗中心 ,現在茶花滿開, 春天有櫻花及杜鵑。 餐廳很大, 可以辦各種活動, 最近聖誕 ,有好幾個學校學生來報佳音唱歌表演, 也有管絃樂團的表演。 我到附近的竹子胡 ,剛好海芋花盛開 。我在花圃買了滿開的玫桂杜鵑 ,種在我的陽台。陽台看到紗帽山 ,左方大屯山 ,右方七星山。 我爬上七星山 ,海拔1,120 m ,中途長很多細竹 ,也看到竹雞 ,遠方看到新店溪與淡水河的會合點 ,及淡水河與基隆河的匯合點 。祝大家假日快樂   蘇哲仁##########Subject: [hapa-na] 太平洋時報: 海外台灣客家代拜會民進黨總部 Edward Lin 林敬賢Date: December 20, 2013To: taagcc海外客家人也是非常關心台灣的。For your information!Ed Lin ###########Subject: Season's greetingsFrom: "Lynn Chu"Date: December 18, 2013 Happy Holidays!TAAGCC,May your home be filled with peace and the joyof family and friends this holiday season.Lynn Chu############Subject: Re: 玉米兔寶寶 / 台灣人的「見笑」/ 台灣前途 by 侯榮達
TAIUNA台灣聯合國協進會 會員侯榮達: 台灣前途:今日的西藏或明日的東方瑞士?!topic/i_love_taiwan/0199Wsmo1qU

From: HCL 黃春蘭(台灣/是楊遠香的表妹,白色恐怖受難者家屬)Date: December 20, 2013 at 6:13:31 PM CST表姐夫 表姐:我選擇瑞士,不要選擇西藏,更不要中國。台灣加油!大家加油!祝新年快樂!身體健康!春蘭##########Subject: Re: 2014年芝加哥台灣鄉親春節晚會 FlyerFrom: Rachel (Columbus, Ohio)Date: December 20, 2013 at 3:26:12 PM CST我,一個小的上班族. 此生希望, 台灣人有出頭天. 立志不做大官, 但求默默無聞, 無人知,能做的盡量做,目的在求台灣國,  達成東亞自由太平, 世界和和氣氣平平安安.So I use "Rachel" name all the time. From: TAAGCC Date:12/20/2013 12:50 AM Dear Rachel:哈哈!願以您所有的祝福來換真正的台灣國!大家繼續打拼!On Dec 19, 2013, at 11:39 PM, Rachel  wrote:芝加哥台灣同鄉貴會:恭賀新禧財源廣進、大吉大利、步步高升、財源滾滾、招財進寶, 吉祥如意、心想事成 。FAPA Central Ohio Chapter PresidentRachel Burroughs 敬上##########Subject: RE: 好美的晨曦!From: "Chen, Yu-Sen"Date: December 18, 2013 at 8:19:55 PM CSTThank you.  It is indeed very beautiful.  This is a wonderful world God created.From: 溫月球Date: December 18, 2013 at 10:46:55 PM CST沒錯,今早的日出很美,謝謝您的分享。附件是我在芝加哥市區拍到的景象,請參考。From: "Ingrid Liu"Date: December 19, 2013 at 8:09:39 AM CSTThank you for the sharing. I love your thought.From: Lynn ChuDate: December 19, 2013 at 4:22:24 PM CSTVery nice. Thanks for sharing.From: HT ChenDate: 2013/12/20Thanks for sharing a good thing and a good spirit with in Lanyu, Taitung###########Subject: RE: 1215星期日在芝城台灣長老教會的音樂會From: Rachel Burroughs (Columbus, Ohio)Date: December 11, 2013I love classical music.  What is the program of the concert? Will it be on the YouTube? Best wishes to the concert! From: Dean Liang (Boston)Date: December 11, 2013Violin Sonatas by Brahms and C. Frank these are my favorite violin sonatas. Listen to CD is not competition to listen live, 12/15/13...##############Subject: Re: i Taiwan! i Daiwan! (愛台灣)From: ming-chung chenDate: December 10, 2013"Chinese" steal everything, lie about everything, claim everything. Let's start with Daiwan. Then there will be Daiwan-lang, Daiwan-hue, Daiwan-bunghua, Daiwan koh.It may take years, decades, or generations. Eventually, it will stick.Such is how Daiwan culture, language, history, heritage were destroyed. Such will how all be restored.Ming-Chung,       from Chicago#############Subject: Re: 看見台灣 / Documentary ‘Beyond Beauty’ Captures Taiwan From AboveFrom: foxlakebDate: December 3, 2013I saw the preview below. Thank you.This is a great way to wake up the people in Taiwan and the people of the world for that matter . Our mother earth is so fragile.Take care of it before is too late.Please make more film of this kind. This is a real tool of gentle revolution, instead of the partisan & ideological fight on the political front, on our beloved home. Use the wisdom to make Taiwan a true beautiful place to live.Steve Sun Kuang Lin#########Subject: Re: 懷念陳拱北教授夫婦逾一甲子的情義From: tsuhlin (Florida)Date: November 29, 2013Thank you. This means a lot to me too. My father served with prof KP in 台灣基督教醫療協會. They went to the mountain areas to serve the indigent. They took on Leprosy and formed the 麻瘋救濟協會association to help these patients till the disease was eradicated from Taiwan. They then help them with their rehab and that was the beginning of 樂山療養院. People often expect the next generation to be better than the previous generation. Knowing what their generation has gone through and how they stepped up to their duty, I am afraid it will not be easy to surpass their generation in the way they serve with such passion and selfless sacrifice. It really makes me humble. I am sure some of you can tell us more of such stories from your families as well. Tsu-Hui 郭慈惠(台大醫學系1977年畢業 / 1970大學聯考丙組狀元)From: Richard Hwang (New York)Date: November 28, 2013感謝你的分享. 這篇文章把我們帶回三四十年前醫學院的課堂, 想起陳教授英俊慈祥的面貌, 想起他深厚富有磁性的聲音, 想起他對我們的教導, 想起他對台灣公共衞生的付出. 還記得他講的笑話嗎 "still warm, still warm". 我到現在還深深記得.感恩節裡, 我們要感恩的人實在太多.祝感恩節快樂. 瑞煊 Richard (台大醫學系1977畢業)########Subject: Re: Happy Thanksgiving! / 歐巴馬展風度From: ChunwensuDate: November 26, 2013TAAGCC:
Date: November 26, 2013
Date: November 17, 2013
Thanks for the info.
Date: November 1, 2013
I was about 10/11 years old.

你們應當知道,白賊九仔不是歐巴馬。雖然都是馬。我在2001年就已認定白賊九仔的人格特質是奸詐,狡滑,陰險,毒辣。絶對不是國民黨歌頌的温良恭儉讓。期望台灣人民都能了解 不再被這隻狗繼續騙下去。
Happy thanksgiving!!!

Subject: Happy Thanksgiving

From: Lynn Chu
May you enjoy all the simple pleasures of Thanksgiving.
Lynn Chu

Subject: Re: Congratulation! 3A Boys State XC Champion!

From: Em A-Ma

Subject: RE: FAPA-IL 年會新聞報導 / 台聯募款餐會

From: HT Chen
Date: November 6, 2013
I plan to attend the 台灣團結聯盟的募款餐會 in Taipei on 11/29.

Subject: RE: 老美鏡頭下的台灣

From: HT Chen
I could almost find myself in the pictures of Hsinchu.

From: Baifan Chen 陳百芳長老
Date: October 31, 2013
雖然外面是幾份寒冷,但是疼咱故鄉e心是溫暖的. 親像阮唱的歌"出外人",
咱攏是流浪來佇美國的異鄉人,親切的歌詞 "雖然也說美國話,言語會通'心不通'---" 
愛因斯坦也在他e感情世界書中說 "誕生咱的故鄉親像是咱的母親,永遠是咱生命的一部分"。以愛氏一代智慧的偉人講e話,該是不會錯的。
最後用陳茂生教授的著書 "天籟真情" 序言 "巴赫帶給上帝的話,莫扎特讓咱聽到上帝的歡笑,貝多芬為咱譜寫出上帝熱情e火燄,但上帝卻賜給咱音樂,給咱不用言語也可以向衪祈禱"。

Sunday, July 13, 2014

From C C H

在台灣人經營的旅館舉辦 ,離哥倫布市機場不遠,住的好,吃的好,演講者都很棒!,見到好多同樣熱愛關心台灣的鄕親朋友!晚會節目由台灣來的台灣母語聯盟/滿山紅走唱團主導,七位老師的演出確實贊!也很高興見到了"The Third Son"一書的作者Dr. Julie Wu!巧的是星期五傍晚搭飛機由芝加哥飛哥倫布市時,旁邊坐的是一位八十多歲的台灣阿嬤,由聖地牙哥要來哥倫布市探親,她自己一個人搭了整天的飛機,真是有緣!夏令會已決定2015年由克里夫蘭同鄕會主辦,2016年由辛辛那提同鄕會主辦!而且都要回來這個台灣人經營親切的 Fort Rapids Indoor Waterpark Hotel & Conference Center 舉辦!贊!希望大家把2015年7月的第二個周末保留下來,大家一齊去參加夏令會!飯店董事長Paul Liang先生歡迎大家台灣同鄕回來,他是13歲由台灣來美國的!他的爸爸梁梅生先生曾任FAPA- Maryland Chapter 11任的會長,他們家族對台灣的愛心由此可見!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

July,Aug--2014 Posts

20140801 高雄氣爆災難
Date: August 1, 2014
Date: August 1, 2014
Thank you for sharing the story of the German boy.  I would like to share with you my thoughts about the article.  
7/20/2014 廖述宗教授與世長辭 享年八十三歲
Subject: Sympathy
Dear Ms. Liao: 
From: HCL
我家就在高雄凱旋二路七巷,離三多路-凱旋二路口氣曝點非常近,昨天我幸好把前天才因心臟病與肺積水住院多時而出院的九十多歲公公帶回台北(他的子女們除了我老公外都住在台北,比較方便後續的照顧),沒讓公公嚇到,也沒聞到毒氣驚嚇與毒氣都是他無法承受的,真是萬幸!天佑高雄! 天佑台灣! 大家團結! 大家加油!

20140801 Subject: Re: 震憾了整個德國的一個小男孩
From: Chau Wu
Although it is written in traditional Chinese characters, there is a term in the article that reveals the story originating from China (and that the article may have been transcribed from simplified characters to those of the traditional).  The term 幹活 is not used in Taiwan, at least not during the times when I was growing up there.  I am not criticizing the article - in fact, it is an inspiring story - I just felt that in China the human relationships have been deteriorating so much that it needs such a story to inspire its people.
For us now, please pray for Kaohsiung.
Chau H. Wu

From: Tien Cheng
Date: July 21, 2014
We are saddened to hear the passing of your husband. Professor Liao is a true Teacher and Friend of all the Taiwanese Community in Greater Chicago. We pray for his peace and eternal life. Please accept the condolence of my wife and me.


地點及詳細內容 to come



主題 : "學運後的台灣社會"
時間  2014 715  (7 PM – 9 PM
(演講後 有茶點招待)
地點 :芝城台灣基督長老教會
 Taiwanese Presbyterian Church of Greater Chicago 
 530 E. Oakton St. Des Plaines, IL 60018   
 Tel: 847-824-8184 

北美台灣工程師協會伊利諾分 合辦